Tuesday, April 18, 2006

You Think You're Funny, Do You?

Given my penchant for foot-in-mouth syndrome, sometimes I'm ridiculously funny without meaning to. For too long in my writing I had eyes falling to the floor, dripping over things, and darting about the room. I meant gaze...I wasn't trying to be funny. Other times I try...and go way over the top. I push until I laugh, and trust my editor to pull back on the reigns and say enough with the hairless dog named Monkey. He does not get a POV! (Made you laugh!)

This week over at Romance Divas Theresa Alan (WHO YOU KNOW, GIRLS WHO GOSSIP) is leading a workshop on writing humor. I'm revising my un-funniest book at the moment, so just the break I need from psychotic aunts and stolen fortunes.

So far we're still doing an overview, but she said something that really stuck in my mind. "It’s psychologically impossible to dislike someone you’ve laughed with." Huh. I wonder if that is what bonds families together, and can make friendships form so quickly. Not sure it completely holds water (my psychology degree rears it's discarded head again) but it is a point to ponder.


KATZ said...

Here you go - if it was a REAL laugh! :) I give polite laughs over all kinds of BS in my office where engineers have NO personality but think they do... lol

I guess a real laugh would mean you shared an interest or had a compatible sense of humor - intersting idea to think about in books.

Karen Erickson said...

Thanks for sharing the workshop info. And that's interesting about connecting with people you laugh with. I'm with Sarah - it's gotta be a real laugh first. I've shared more than a few of those polite laughs with people while thinking "oh boy..."

I think I write more with humor than I don't. I've been reading a lot lately about those dropping eyeballs, etc. so I'm really watching for that stuff. Don't wanna make people laugh out loud cos what I wrote was dumb...